On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Amir Tal wrote:

> All,
> Please do not flame me for this, its just a thought.
> In the past few weeks, I dedicated myself to build website, based on 
> php-nuke. Its running on my home machine, connected via cables, so the

> connection and site performance are very fast.

Is it also fast enough upstream?
>Same as downstream. I get more then 500kbps in IIX.

> I would like to get some feedback from you about the idea of having 
> another site that deals with Linux related stuff, provides services 
> such as a forum, news, search engines, poll's, and all the other nice 
> services that php-nuke has to offer (which I am sure that most of you 
> are familiar with) On top of that, it will include some more extra 
> services such as chat, web based mail system (free) etc...

Do yourself a favour and replace the chat system with an applet that
runs an IRC client. No chat client can emulate good IRC clients that any
decent linux clients have.

>Doable. Like I said, if this site will be popular, the sky is the limit

> It will also be linked to IGLU's mailing list archive (if that will be

> ok with IGLU of course) and other resources such as slashdot, dot kde,

> etc... This could be a good solution for lot's of newbie questions 
> that are posted to the linux-il list, and also for higher level users.

> (a forum, for example, isa service that IGLU
> Does not provide.)


Actually, I personally think that web forums suck, because they provide
a lousy client.

I would rather write a web interface for posting messages to a newsgroup
or a mailing list (assign an email to every "member" and provide an
"incident form" to post problems to gnubies-il, for instance).

Actually I like newsgroups, because they can bee mirrored by the ISP to
a server that is close to the client, and thus they are by-far the
fastest and most fault-tolerant medium.

(Yes: your server will be unavailalbe from time to time. Life sucks)

> The current address is : http://whatsup.homelinux.com , (click on the 
> "Click here for the Whatsup Portal" link) but starting from next week,

> there will also be a real domain name pointing there. It will be 
> http://www.whatsup.co.il .

Assuming that your site will become popular (and I hope it will!):

You are generally not supposed to run any servers on the link you get
from the cables companies (read carefully the contract you signed with
them). If the traffic you have is too much, they will remind you of that

> how will they know what kind of traffic it is ? People that connected
to cables can download and upload all day, and no one monitors the type
of traffic.

I don't know if you have any commercial intentions. If not: I figure
that hosting the site on IGLU seems like a good option. If not: you'll
have to find some other hosting server.
>if this will happen, and there will be a big enough community, we can
consider this as well.

BTW: currently the only (semi-)commercial site in Israel that spends
much room for linux is guides.co.il, AFAIK .

I didn't say commercial linux site, I said central ;)

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