All you really need for DISPLAY is your _current_ machine ip, not the ip address you came in from; you might of hopped over from a different machine than the one you want to DISPLAY in ;-) The solution should be to ask your windoze machine for its current IP address and use THAT. ipconfig is usually a good way of doing it, however YMMV. J. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ /_____/\ /____ \\ \ Jeremy Hoyland, System Architect /_____\ \\ / Sun Israel Development Center /_____/ \/ / / Sun Microsystems Israel, Ltd. /_____/ / \//\ HaSadnaot 10 ,POB 12610 \_____\//\ / / Herzliya, ISRAEL 46733 \_____/ / /\ / \_____/ \\ \ Tel: +972 9 971-1288 \_____\ \\ Fax: +972 9 971-1222 \_____\/
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