1. I just installed a Yamaha 24/8/8 SCSI CD2RW witha Symbios Logic 8100S "dumb" 
SCSI(3) card (no BIOS). SuSE 7.0
recognises everthing after I say, insmod sym53c8xx. I also have /mnt/cdrwm pointing to 
/dev/scd0 in fstab, so everthing
is just fine.

What I cannot figure out, is how to get the system to load the relevant module at boot 
time. (I've tried fiddling with
an append line in lilo, but to no avail. Anyway, I don't have the faintest idea what 
address it wants; IRQ=10,ID=7 as
expected.) The SuSE configuration file shows sym53c8xx as a loadable module, but 
SuSEconfig didn't seem to do anything
with it. (The boot log shows 0 SCSI hosts recognised.)

A pointer to a man or readme would be fine. 

2. Has anyone managed to install an OnStream IDE 30Gb tape drive on a 2.2.16 kernel? 
(It is certified by OnStream with a
downloadable patch for 2.2.14 & 15.)


Dan Feiglin
tel;cell:053 869986
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tel;home:972 9 8320983
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org:Dilog Computers Ltd.
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title:CC & BW
fn:Daniel Feiglin

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