hagit wrote: > Please don't laugh at me:How do I login to my Linux mail server, if I > forgot my password ? hahahahaha! hahahahahaha! ok.... boot machine. when lilo prompt appears, type: linux init=/bin/sh when you have shell, edit passwd and kill password. sync; sync; sync halt boot. {.n+zwfj)mXze{"^ݺ{.n+^,jܞiלrzfXze{"
- frogot my password hagit
- Re: frogot my password Jonathan Ben-Avraham
- Re: frogot my password Omer Musaev
- re: forgot my password Shaul Karl
- Re: forgot my password Omer Musaev
- Re: frogot my password Marc A. Volovic
- Re: frogot my password Mike Almogy