i started to get inside LINUX networking stuff and i nead help with a strange situation.
i want to make a linux router station
i have 2 interfaces on that station
i have 2 station in bote sides (sun solaris statinos)
i can see the 2 interfaces of the router from bote end station , but i can't get from one end station to other end station on the other network.
i enabeld the  ip routing on the router station from the linuxconf (routed deamon)
        i configure the /etc/sysconfig/networks to FORWARD_IPV4="yes"
        inside the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward there is "1".
what more need to be done that cuse the routing work ??
and 1 more
why i cant telnet to the router with root user?,(i can do it with a new user i created) i fail when i tried to write the passwd line (i fail on that with an error :incorrect passwd)
    i chenged  the /etc/securetty  file inside with remarks on all tty's
 what more need to be done??

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