I have a Red Hat 6.2 installation using
a US Robotics Sportster External modem.
The modem has been accepted by Red Hat
and successfully dials out on rp3-config in debug mode.
The dialog between the modem and
bezeqint goes fine, i successfully log in to the bezeq network and then the
modem receives a line from bezeqint that is of the form
B# {..} t7200-L2TP-211-@! -
It receives this line several times
before the connection is dropped because I don't know what the correct response
to this line is.
I logged the modem activity through the
successful connection on the windows 95 partition, but the log 'glosses
over' this section by saying
interpreted response:
I telephoned bezeqint support. Well, I'm
sure you can imagine how helpful they were.
I would like to know if anyone knows
what the correct response to the line
{..} t7200-L2TP-211-@! -"
is, and whether there is any further communication necessary between my computer
and the bezeq modem bank.
Bill Logan
- dial up connection to bezeqint Cal and Bill
- בעניין: dial up conn... Cal and Bill
- Re: PPP connection.בעני]... Shaul Karl
- Cal and Bill