Hi, All!

I pleased to represent yet another computing platform that runs Linux -
the Helio PDA. It manufactured by Vtech, Inc.
it's inexpensive; it has 75MHz MIPS R3000-compartible CPU (Philips
Poseidon), 8 Mb RAM and 160x160 16 greylevel LCD with touchpanel. Look
for more information here:

- these guys have ported the VR-Linux kernel and  W window
system (an X clone for embedded devices) to Helio, you can see
screenshots there and download ready-to-use binary image of Linux OS for
Helio or its emulator.

The project is far from the finish, but it already able to run various X
programs, such as editor, simple HTML browser, some games.
Our company, Top Technology(85) Ltd. (http://www.ttl.co.il), works in
cooperation with Vtech, Inc. on its proprietary operating system for the
Helio PDA (VT-OS), especially on the VT-OS internationalization,
therefore we have some knowledge about the Helio hardware and we can get
from Vtech, Inc. all the information neccessary. If you are Linux
developer, please, feel free to contact us in the case you need
additional information, that cannot be found on
http://vhl-tools.sourceforge.net/ or other sites mentioned above.

Best regards,
tel;work:972-3-6966812  +106 (105)
org:Top Technology (85) Ltd;Software Development
adr:;;Nahalat Itzhak 8;Tel-Aviv;;67448;Israel
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Konstantin Forostyan

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