>> know how to install XFree 4, you are probably qualified. The
>Hmm... knowing how to type "sh Xinstall.sh" makes you a qualified "core
>Linux" person?

If you think that THIS is enough to make XFree 4 function
correctly on any given system, you are not qualified.

If you fully understand the implication of replacing the X
Server, libraries, adding more extentions, etc. , you are

>> One of our employee gave the Penguin puppy to her kid, who
>> is ever since attached ot it. He takes it with him to hid
>> kindergarten, tells all the kids his name is "Linux" and
>> he is a good boy.
>> I think this is the kind of things we need to do to make
>> linux more popular. ;-)
>Fantastic ;-)
>On the way to World Domination.

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