How does one implement such a filter on sendmail ?


Ereli wrote:

This could be useful. 
----- Original Message ----- To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 9:03 PMSubject: [Exim] the 'ILOVEYOU' virus - a simple filter
 Hi. The ILOVEYOU virus has hit our mail =ervers in the UK, but I managed I implement a filter on exim (hopefully) before much =amage was caused. It's nothing complicated - just redirects all emails with =he appropiate subject "ILOVEYOU" to a specified mailbox. Save this as a filter file on your system:# =xim filter
if $header_subject: is "ILOVEYOU"
   deliver suspicious@<yourdomain.com>
endif and set in the main config =/FONT>message_filter =STRONG>= <path to filter file>  Hope people find this =seful  David Rigby[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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