Oh, well I guess I'll finish up writing the book on this one myself ...

More anon.

guy keren wrote:

> On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Daniel Feiglin wrote:
> > I'm still rather mysified by it ....
> i'd say - just write the code as you understand it, and play with it a
> little.
> the major difference with selecting for read() and selecting for write()
> is - when to do this.
> when you select for read(), you place the file descriptor inside the
> select loop all the time, because you want to be notified as soon as
> there's input waiting to be read. when you select for write - you place
> the file descriptor in the select loop only when you've got something to
> write to that specific socket. select will tell you that this file
> descriptor is active for writing, whenever there is space (in your LOCAL
> system's socket buffer) to write data.
> a "real" server whose main loop is based on select() (or poll()) would use
> this feature in one of two methods:
> 1. use a select() call with a '0' timeout before trying to write to a
>    socket. if the select call does not indicate that this file descriptor
>    is active, the file descriptor is added to the server's main select set
>    of write FDs. after empting that socket's write queue, it's removed
>    from the write set.
> 2. similar to the above, but including setting the socket to work in
>    non-blocking mode. this is done because even if select() shows that a
>    file descriptor's buffer has free space - there is no indication as to
>    how much free space there is, and thus, a write() onto that file
>    descriptor may still get blocked.
> now, i'd say - go and play with this for a bit, and keep your eyes on
> steven's book while doing that, to check how to deal with the various
> kinds of error conditions that might arise here.
> guy
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