Part of linux is its security believe it or not,
almost everything we talk about I can find you some other mailing list
that talk about it
if it's about hardisk Ip masquarting ssh and even hebrew in linux has its
own mailing list.
You might want to read all those security news groups and screen them all
but when there is a security bug or even normal bug relating subject
that is my opinion anyhow..
and maybe we should discuss it over the list
what people expect to see on this mailing list?
and btw although that I'm sure part of the things we mail about doesn't
interst you you shouldn't be that sure about them not interst others..


Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University 
Jerusalem Israel

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Aviram Jenik wrote:

|  > it's not off bugtraq and I only send it cause people were talking about
|  > wuftp security for the last few days
|  okay, it's not off bugtraq, it's from technotronic news.
|  But if you have nothing new to add to that advisory, please do not post it
|  to the Linux list.
|  People that are interested in security can find this advisory in half a
|  dozen places, and if you wish to know about programs/bugs/vulnerabilities,
|  please join the appropriate mailing list (not this one).
|  On the other hand, if I'm wrong, please let me know so I can subscribe. In
|  the last week I've been getting almost as many job offers/security warnings
|  on this list as I received *real* Linux material. I'm not against off-topic
|  messages (hell, I posted some myself) but only when they have added value
|  (like an interesting comment from the Linux-IL subscriber).
|  -------------------------
|  Aviram Jenik
|  "Addicted to Chaos"
|  -------------------------
|  Today's quote:
|  I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
|                       - W.C. Fields

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