On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 08:32:13AM +0200, ilan Bloch wrote:

> not really ontopic matter but truly some organizational stuff we could all
> benefit from (besides it's both linux and israel ;) )
> could it be possible to automagically add some [linux-il] mention in the
> subject of all posts. That would help a lot the filtering of incoming
> messages, as some of us post to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and others at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] whereas other don't post TO but CC TO the list. Many
> different cases that I have difficulty to filter efficiently.

It had already been discussed here more than once in the past, and was
vehemently objected to by many readers, and justifiably so -- it eats
up subject space and clutters the display.

If you want to filter out linux-il, you should do so by the Sender:
header, which always contains [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Very
simple and works in 100% of the cases.

Alex Shnitman                            | http://www.debian.org
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