this one works for me. It uses right "windows" ("right meta" for X) key
instead of right alt, for which you may have some other uses

Anyway - a 104 keyboard can use any xmodmap file intended for a 101

Tzafrir Cohen

On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Amir Hardon wrote:

> Does anyone have a valid Hebrew key map for a win95(I replaced my OS but
> not my keyboard...) keyboard,
> For X windows?
! Xmodmap-Hebrew - A mapping file for Hebrew ISO 8859-8.
! The right Alt key (Alt_R) is used as the Hebrew shift key.
! Avner Lottem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

! Setting the modifier:
remove Mod1 = Meta_R
keysym Meta_R = Mode_switch
clear Mod2
add Mod2 = Mode_switch

! This is to prevent q, w from being reassigned.
remove Mod2 = slash apostrophe

! Setting the individual letters:
keysym comma            = comma less            0x00fa less
keysym period           = period greater        0x00f5 greater
keysym slash            = slash question        period question
keysym semicolon        = semicolon colon       0x00f3 colon
keysym apostrophe       = apostrophe quotedbl   comma quotedbl
keysym a                = a NoSymbol            0x00f9 A
keysym b                = b NoSymbol            0x00f0 B
keysym c                = c NoSymbol            0x00e1 C
keysym d                = d NoSymbol            0x00e2 D
keysym e                = e NoSymbol            0x00f7 E
keysym f                = f NoSymbol            0x00eb F
keysym g                = g NoSymbol            0x00f2 G
keysym h                = h NoSymbol            0x00e9 H
keysym i                = i NoSymbol            0x00ef I
keysym j                = j NoSymbol            0x00e7 J
keysym k                = k NoSymbol            0x00ec K
keysym l                = l NoSymbol            0x00ea L
keysym m                = m NoSymbol            0x00f6 M
keysym n                = n NoSymbol            0x00ee N
keysym o                = o NoSymbol            0x00ed O
keysym p                = p NoSymbol            0x00f4 P
keysym q                = q NoSymbol            slash Q
keysym r                = r NoSymbol            0x00f8 R
keysym s                = s NoSymbol            0x00e3 S
keysym t                = t NoSymbol            0x00e0 T
keysym u                = u NoSymbol            0x00e5 U
keysym v                = v NoSymbol            0x00e4 V
keysym w                = w NoSymbol            apostrophe W
keysym x                = x NoSymbol            0x00f1 X
keysym y                = y NoSymbol            0x00e8 Y
keysym z                = z NoSymbol            0x00e6 Z

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