Nimrod Zimerman wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 04:38:14PM +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> > I'm plannning to install a Linux machine which will be our mail server at my
> > work.
> >
> > My question: since there are so many viruses around for windows, and many users
> > simply don't follow any instructions you give them - is there an "anti virus"
> > which scans incoming/outgoing email for viruses that I can use with Linux?

 there's a program that does ecactly that - uses sendmail and
anti-virueses.  I just don't  have the URL.  I'll see if I can refind it

 Sealingwax Greeting Cards   | The only good morning is a dead one |  |          --Richard Stallman         |

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