
Brushing off my rusty RPM building skills proved easy (I always agreed
that Red Hat is the easiest distribution), so the site is now online,
with an RPM for the reflected GTK widgets, as well as a tar.gz for
those of us who don't use RPMs, and usage instructions. The text is a
lazy-evening-hack so please tell me what errors I made there! And
generally, I seek your feedback. Also, the software is mostly
untested, so it'd be cool if you guys could test it and then we can
discuss it here on the mailing list.

The URL is http://hebgtk.hectic.net/

(If that doesn't work, e-mail me, and then use
http://www.hectic.net/hebgtk/. But e-mail me first, because it should

Have fun!

Alex Shnitman                            | http://www.debian.org
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