Hi Rami,

> in the console: every Hebrew character is like the sound of the english one
> for example ...
> T=tet
> A=alep

I'm going to send you a copy of a keyboard map i started working on but
never quite finished... nevertheless it puts the letters in their correct
places [ala the "hebrew" keyboard].

> in Xwin : the character is left to right..not right to left.
> please...

Yeah, it's a problem we're all having.  Basically you either need a
program written to directly support Hebrew, or a program using a widgit
that supports hebrew.

If you want a Netscape that supports LOGICAL hebrew, Eli Marmor has a
modified Netscape 3 to support it.  He has also made some other great
efforts for Hebrew on Linux (and Hebrew in general), and you can see them
at http://www.elmar.co.il/

Dov Grobgeld has created a BiDi library, which makes it alot easier to
implement bi-directional applications, but still no easy task.  He's
about to start some work on Gtk, which means that any app compiled against
Gtk (gedit, etc) will support Hebrew.  More info at

There are other misc authors...  console wise, a great help to us all was
crisk's hebrew patch which is found in BitchX, should you compile it with

Gaven Cohen aka Kinslayer                         http://wastelands.net/
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