BNM>> PHP3 or wdbi ? what is the benefits and lack of them.

Knowing nothing of wdbi - I'll talk on PHP3.

PHP3 is almost full programming language. It's very widely used - look for
site with ".phtml" or ".php3" endings - it's there. It has good interface
to most possible DB's, it's easily installable (both as CGI and Apache
module). Syntax is like Perl. Insertable in HTML in very easy way.

BNM>> And easy build/maintain is important too.

It is built by "./configure <options>; make; make install", following
instructions in INSTALL. Once installed, requires no maintenance (why
should it? :)

Future perspectives - Zend will be yet more powerful and fast. 

Disadvantages: it's very easy to make a total mess of your code (like Perl
and sometimes C), since it doesn't enforce any structure. Extensive
calculations seems not to be too good for it, data structure manipulations
are weaker than Perl's, dynamic extensibility seems to be only via raw
"dl_open" mechanisms. But nobody prevents you from using Perl too, if you
need those :)

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