> > Ok, back to the subject's topic. Nir has asked me a few months ago,
> > whether I'll come to the party. So here I'm and I'm bringing with me a few
> > other hackers from Intel. I hope is a good timing for the party, so lets
> > roll it. I don't have the details yet, but Intel's folks promise a good
> > support - advertisment, T-shirts, snacks (anythings else? you tell!).
> Well, Nir and I discussed the matter - whatever you can bring that's be
> great. If you can bring some CD's of linux, it would be helpful.
> and food is good, always.

Great! We bring HW, T-Shirts, snacks. We probably will order about 100 6.0
RH CDs from cheapbytes, to give away. We aren't announcing T-Shirts in the
flyers, for we don't want people just come over to pick the T-Shirt and
go. T-Shirt will be a bonus for folks who come for Linux! 

> > Nir and other Technion folks - do we still have the Rifkin's place?
> > Do we still have the contacts with Irgun ha Studentim? As I remember
> > Shachar has finished his studies, right?
> Shachar has finished his studies :(, so the ones running the whole thing
> are now Nir and I (I took Shachar's place). We now try to scartch whatever
> we can from anyone in the technion, so far we got advertisment in
> Campus...
> If anyone wants, I'll ask some extra copies to be distributed outside the
> campus. and the InstaParty will take place in Rifkin. yep.

Please hold on on advertisizing, We need to make an official announcement
(you know how these things work with big corps.) Intel will run an
additional flyer/posters over the campus. The moment we will get the draft
I'll let you know.

What are the estimate date? (We have to make the logo for the T-Shirt,
anyone good quality Tux images?, then print them - order and receive the
CDs (how long would it take?) So I estimate 2-3 weeks from now? Does it
fix, we bring a few linux hackers from Intel. I beleive we will have a
menyan from other folks as well, right?

Orr, will you please update the installation party site and the pointer
from linux.org.il? I guess I'm still the owner of the 2608 account at the
Hyperbanner - Nir? How about some credits to let the party going? I guess
we need a fresh banner as well - any graphic designer wish to give a hand?

What about the HW? Do we run installs over CD? NFS? FTP? We will bring
NICs, a few CDROMs, keyboards, power cables and etc.

Any estimates on how many people will come? both - gurus and newbies? We
bring at least 4 folks from here... i saw my registration cgis are still
in place :) Can you please reset the lists for people to register?

Do you think we should make some lectures? We always rised the idea, but
never did that. 

Ah, yeh - Pavel will bring his laptop with linux and cardbus driver he
wrote for it... 

Any other ideas? Something else we can ask from Intel?

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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