On Tue, May 4 1999, Vadim Smelyansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|On Mon, 3 May 1999, Amos Shapira wrote:
|AS>Any experience with "raw partition"?
| It's work nice for me. I did two hardware profiles in Win98. one
|for booting windoze itself and second to boot it from raw drive C: under
|linux. It work smoothly, but slowly :) I have only P100/64RAM :) but it is
|enough to read broken "ms-outlooked" messages with Application/MS-THNEF
|attaches. I hate proprietary formats!
Thanks a lot.
Could you describe exactly your hardware? It certainly isn't the same
CPU as my laptop (mine is mobile P-II 366MHz), but I'd be interested
to hear what hard disk, cd, floppy, screen audio or whatever you've
got that works for you.
--Amos Shapira | "Of course Australia was marked for
133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st. | glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805 | by the finest judges in England."