> Smoothly != fast

Of course, I meant to say "flawlessly" or "without problems".

I'll try to repeat my question VERY briefly and clearly:

Is there anybody who succeeded to install the special drivers of
VMware, and YET runs Win 95/98 Hebrew, Enabled OR Localized, as a
guest, with no Hebrew problems?

The question does not refer to:

1. People who uses a non-Hebrew OS as a guest.
2. People who uses NT4 Hebrew as a guest (which is known to run
3. People who didn't install the drivers of VMware (unless you
   succeeded to have good performance and/or more than 640*480*4
   EVEN without installing VMware's drivers; If you did, it may
   be very interesting for us, so please share us).

Thanks again,
Eli Marmor

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