On Mon, May 3 1999, "Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
|AS>> My situation is a bit different in that the Lose98 partition can
|AS>> self-boot (i.e. it's what is called "Raw IDE partition" in VMware
|AS>> terms, as opposed to a file under a Linux partition).  It's already
|AS>> installed and works well (well, as far as Lose98 can work :) when
|AS>> booted alone.
|I fear VMWare has some own disk structure, which is different from plain
|partition. I.e., it maybe can't recognize formatted FAT partition as it's

Of course it has its own disk structure when used in a file under
Linux, but it also supports raw partitions, which should allow you to
boot an already-installed Win98 partition under VMware 
(see .http://www.vmware.com/support/rawdevices.html).

I'm aware of the warning at the beginning of this page, but still it
sounds like I can basically expect it to work.

|But you may use following trick - mount it under Linux and the re-mount
|via SAMBA in windows. This works for data or external programs, but not
|for Windows itself.

Which would miss the whole point since I want to save the few hundreds
of megabytes taken by windows itself.


--Amos Shapira                    | "Of course Australia was marked for
133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st.          |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805                  |  by the finest judges in England."
ISRAEL        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                     -- Anonymous

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