On Mon, 3 May 1999, lamdan wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a Linux PC that I am would like to connect to a Windows-NT PC. At
> the minimum I would like both pc's to be able to read and write each
> other's file system (i.e. the Linux can read and write into the NT file
> systems and vice versa).
> I would very much appreciate if you advise me how to perform this
> connection.

Samba package is your friend.  Start from "man samba".  Do not forget to
make share of your NT disks/printers/whatever if you want to use them on
Linux (or anywhere on the network, actually).

By the way, resent samba releases have a very nice web-based configuration


#                       Andre E. Bar'yudin                     #
#           Home page: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~baryudin      #
#                  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             #
#                      Phone: (972)-53-812-026                 #

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