
First of all, let me thank all the participants in the discussion regarding the PF1's
Installation Party. Let me tall you , guys and gals, that your opinion really matters
in PF1 and it helps us, the Linux team, move things over here.

I agree, of course, that the previous party has been rather disastrous, however it
sort of served its purpose: to spread the word of Linux in Israel. All the sponsors of
the previous Installation party have discussed the lessons of the first party and have
agreed on the following:

1. The party zone will be compartmentalized, that is, there will be a separate
installation area.
2. It's going to be a normal working place of each installer with a desk and a chair,
with two monitors, two keyboards and two mice. Each installer will be issued by a kit:
two sets of installation CD/ diskettes, adapters for PS2 keyboard/ mouse and drinking
3. Each Linux volunteer/ installer will get RedHat 6.0 and SuSE 6.1 CD's as tokens of

Please note, that the organization of the installation party is not easy and/or cheap
business. PF1 and other sponsors spend a fair amount of money and employees time on
it. The revenue from the sells of Linux products during the party do not cover even
half of what has been spend in order to organize this event. Did you know, that PF1's
Linux technical team got ragged for spending the time for organization of the first
Installation Party, instead of crunching Linux solutions for paying customers? As a
result, the upcoming Linux Party II (V-Day) is being organized entirely by a marketing

All in all, people, I am sure that our second party will be much better organized than
the first one. Please take a part in it, tell all your friends! Last time we installed
up to 200 Linux boxes and distributed up to 400 Linux installation kits. Let's double
this amount on the Linux Installation Party II.

Best regards,


Oded Arbel wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Liran Zvibel wrote:
> > BTW, I didn't get any answer to my 2nd question: Should I wake up earlier then
> > usual next Fri. and come and help to install or the Sivan/PF1 people will do all
> > the work?
> >
> > Liran.
> in the last linux install party in DC, I came to talk with people, get
> some linux help, and maybe even install my system again, but found myself
> doing installations instead (not to say that it wasn't productive from my
> POV - I still got to do most of what I wanted). I think that like last
> time they will be short of installers, short of monitors, short of power
> sockets, and (if someone remembers the last party) short of power....
> Oded

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