> i think it's time people would stop this micro$oftish behaviour - this
> installation parties are about helping people getting linux installed. NOT
> about getting the latest redhat release installed over older versions. if
> you're at that - you don't need an installation party to help you - do
> you? (you as in anyone who's making such upgrades. i know you
> specifically don't need help with that).

Well, I'm a Debianoid that installs lots of my packages from source (and 
anyway, I'm not THAT crazy to drag my 'puter all the way to DC...)

I think that RH 6.0 has so many UI improvements (Gnome, Enlitenment, KDE ????) 
that newbies will like, so it is better with this version. When people know
that RH 6.0 is out, and they bring their computers to DC, and then find out
that they get an outdated version they won't be that happy...

As for your other comment (about bugs in 4.0 and 5.0 and the likeliness of
them being in 6.0) RH isn't such a great  distro anyway (I know some people 
who claim that the unstable version of Debian is more stable then any stable 
version of RH), and will always have too many bugs for a Linux machine, but it 
is a pretty good starting distro (The problem is that nowadays the newbies 
keep  "improving" themselves  :o) )

BTW, I didn't get any answer to my 2nd question: Should I wake up earlier then
usual next Fri. and come and help to install or the Sivan/PF1 people will do all
the work? 

Liran Zvibel.                            | " You know, how is The Force 
System Programmer, System Administrator. |   like duct tape? Answer:       
email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   it has a light side, a dark
phone : 972 - 3 - 6493939                |   side, and it holds the
home  : http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~liranz|   universe together. "
UIN: 708004 ; WHOIS : LZ615              |             -- Larry Wall 

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