On 29-Apr-99 Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:
> Anybody has any experience about Omnitech-made UPS? I have one, and I fail
> to get any useful responce form it via it's COM-port connection. Just
> nothing - no even signle signal. I tried both with probes from genpowerd
> and powerd, with every possible setup of DTR/RTS, as docs say - no luck.
It could use ST as well.
> It just plays dead. Any advices? The box is called something like 425AP,
> has windows "UPSMON" software with it.
Compare voltages on the connector pins with and without the software running.
This should tell you what signals must be set for the UPS to function properly.
Then, do similar measurements with the main power disconnected etc.
> I have even connector scheme in the
> book, but it doesn't help much now.
Well, if the above advices won't work, send it to me.
/ Evgeny Stambulchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \
/ Plasma Laboratory, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel \ \
| Phone : (972)8-934-3610 == | == FAX : (972)8-934-3491 | |
| URL : http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/~fnevgeny/ | |
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