Anybody has any experience about Omnitech-made UPS? I have one, and I fail
to get any useful responce form it via it's COM-port connection. Just
nothing - no even signle signal. I tried both with probes from genpowerd
and powerd, with every possible setup of DTR/RTS, as docs say - no luck.
It just plays dead. Any advices? The box is called something like 425AP,
has windows "UPSMON" software with it. I have even connector scheme in the
book, but it doesn't help much now.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]      \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev      /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425    /\              JRRT LotR.      whois:!SM8333

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