hag sameach, i got some questions hope someone will answer(i am a newbie): 1. what is the different between x windows and desktop environment?(gnome, kde, tcl/tk, etc) 2. i heard that there is a tool wich can convert linux to FAT32 is that true? 3. about this VMware thing, can it run win2000(nt5)? _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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- Re: some questions Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo
- Re: some questions Omer
- Repeating messages Itamar S.-T.
- Re: Repeating messages Jeff Rose
- some questions Alon Kadury
- Re: some questions Barak Kaufman
- Re: some questions Shachar Shemesh
- Re: some questions Yedidyah Bar-David
- Re: some questions Nadav Har'El
- Re: some questions David Suna