Amos Shapira wrote:

> On Fri, April 16 1999, "Peter L. Peres" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |  imho this is a brilliant shot in the foot of Microsoft by its own
> |chairman because it is well-known that one of the few killer applications
> |that have advanced MS Windows have been integrated office suites, that do
> |mostly... word processing and spreadheets.
> I know a former Microsoft sales-person and he just told me that 80% of
> Microsoft's revenues come from Office products.  I assume the other
> 20% are divided among the OS's and the other stuff.
> So the Microsoft Office may have a much larger weight in M$'s
> decisions than you might have expected (at least *I* didn't guess this
> figure before he told me, I though that the OS business is what they
> are leaning on).

Hence Microsoft's desire to treat Linux as a platform for word processors and

It also makes sense: Windows 98 costs $95 while Office costs about $350.
Office is used almost exclusively in (surprise surprise) offices, while
Windows is sold to private use too.

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