> No flames please. I'm sending this for info about the opposition. I just
> got this from our sys-admin (NT) with whom we conduct a lot of heated
> discussions about why we shouldn't use NT. These are the results of a
> study by MindCraft which was sponsored, amazingly enough, by Microsoft
> Corp. (This appears at the end of the web page not on this "news
> flash").

Links to many opposite benchmarks and statistics about NT / IIS, vs.
Linux / Apache / Samba (where the clear winners were Linux/Apache/Samba
of course), are available at:


Unfortunately, since the results depend on too many parameters, most
of them require technical expertize, the benchmarks are not between NT
and Linux, but between the system administrator who installed and
configured the NT machine and the system administrator who installed
and configured the Linux machine. In Hebrew it is called: "HaGorem

Eli Marmor

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