You can work with more then 95% of the printers that available on the market
with Linux.

You should remember that there are cases that:

1. You won't get full support (eg: 300 DPI instead of 600 for some printers).

2. The printer is NOT win printer (means: you can print from DOS operating
system - NOT from DOS window in Windows 95/98/NT)


Noam Meltzer wrote:
> Which printers have drivers or can work without problem with linux?
> I understand that there are problems with some printers?
> Noam Meltzer
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Noam Meltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Noam Meltzer
>                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                          HTML Mail
>   Windows 95 definitions: ************************************************ 32 bit 
>extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system 
>originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that can't 
>stand 1 bit of competition
>   Additional Information:
>   Last Name     Meltzer
>   First Name    Noam
>   Version       2.1

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