On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Oded Arbel wrote:

> hello all ,
> I have a small problem (very small) with adduser . I've set my /etc/skel
> premisions as 0755 (that's the dir where th default files for a user's
> home dir are) , but when I adduser the home directory of the user has
> premisions of 0700 . Y isthat ? how can I change that ?
> Oded
> btw - when I telnet to the linux box and then 'su' to be root, there are
> some commands I can't run - one of them is adduser . can this behavior be
> changed ? and don't flame me - no one has yet told me how my setup can be
> hacked into/ sniffed at/ nuked or what ever.

Leaving aside the question of security (and discaiming any responsibility
for the outcome), what do you mean that you cannot run adduser?  Maybe it
simply isn't in your path (on some systems /usr/sbin and /sbin are only in
the path of root by default and when you su you have the environment of
the ordinal user).  Either add it to your ordinal user's path or see su
manual page for useful options. 


#                       Andre E. Bar'yudin                     #
#           Home page: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~baryudin      #
#                  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             #
#                      Phone: (972)-53-812-026                 #

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