> > install the gcc-something.rpm file found in your cd (don't know
> > the exact path. you'll find that out).
> > I think rh 5.2 comes with gcc version 2.7.3.
> > If you need C++ support then also install the gcc-g++something.rpm
> I installed I think both packages, I am sure I installed gcc.
> Indeed it came as version 2.7.3
> I got the error after I installed it, before it, it could not
> recognize the gcc command.
could you please repeat the error message ?
this email was long ago and I forgot what the error was.
alternatively, you could install a newer version of gcc.
I am currently using ver 2.8.1 which works find.
I vaguely recall having some problems with the gcc supplied 
with Rh 5.2, so I installed a newer version.
look for the newer version in www.rpmfind.org of www.filewatcher.org
or many other places.
maybe this is easier than trying to figure out the error.

Gal Aviel

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