"Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" wrote:
> Well, who knows... If they do, you might publish it so that every Linux
> user in the world knows that Philips treats them like dirt and has no any
> clue altogether. Let's see how is it going to improve their sales. :))
to my surprise,
they don't give sh*t about any user!
there is no "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" nor "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
But i doubt that "philips doesnt give sh*t about linux" will be a good
story at slashdot/linuxtoday/anywhere.
> That's why we need the "black list" - if I was buying this one (and I'm
> too lazy to go physically to the shop and look on all the parts :) and
> then see what it is, and have to call back to the dealer and swap it and
> etc., etc. - too much trouble. And given that Israeli HW market is
> somewhat limited in diversity - we could pin most of the parts that aren't
> worth trying.
> Webmaster: Is this idea possible to implement?
I'll be happy if everyone can submit to such a list.
the categories would be: "isp/hardware manufacterer/software
and then there will be company name, and details.
What does Microsoft do? Spread shit.