It might be worthwhile to note that :
(among others) has an updated samba package (2.02, PDC auth+swat and all)
as well as some other packages updated for better compatibility with
the new kernel level, /proc, ipchains and modutils of course.
"Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, 00:02 Konstantin Forostyan wrote:
> KF>> Hi All! Since I've upgraded the kernel from 2.0.35 to 2.2.1 I
> KF>> can't mount any SMB share - smbmount says:
> KF>>
> KF>> SMBFS: need mount version 6
> Yeah, yeah. You need smbmount from samba build. That is: get samba source,
> build it, take smbmount, use it. Be warned that parameters have changed
> from old smbmount. Maybe, RH also has some package available already,
> though I won't recommend any from Rawhide, etc - they have annoying
> tendency to build them with last shapshot of glibc, which I cannot always
> follow for obvious reasons.
-- Omer
!- Change is inevitable... Except from vending machines -!