Hello Schlomo,

> 2. did anybody else get mail like the one below ? I have difficulties
> deciding wether it is spam or genuine from some idiot. Anyway, I don't
> tend to relate to anonymous mails (or in sloppy english). What do you
> think. 

I received a similar message, from [EMAIL PROTECTED], to an E-mail
address which I don't use nowadays for sending E-mail.

I replied to the guy (advising him to borrow a Linux CD-ROM from his
neighbor) and added a warning that he'll be liable to any spam coming my
way due to my replying to his E-mail.

Given your report about receiving a similar E-mail message, I now suspect
that it was an attempt to harvest valid E-mail addresses for future

> b) I get all kind of weird phone calls: People don't even bother to tell
> me
>    their name, or what they are or where they got my number and start
> like this: 
>    (after I say "Yes ?") "Shlomi, I have a question ....". I am not
> Shlomi, of
>    course, but that is not my point. Is this general Israeli rudeness
> and I
>    have to bury my inbread tendency for some formal politeness even
> deeper ? Or
>    is this guy just a bad example ? 

You have the full right to ask for their details before proceeding
further.  At least, this is what I would do because I provide free help
only to private individuals, and expect companies to pay me.

                                             --- Omer
By sending me unsolicited commercial/political/religious/MailPush
E-mail message/s (known also as "spam"), you irrevocably agree to
pay me US$500.- (plus any legal expenses incurred by my trying to
collect the amount due) per unsolicited commercial/political/
religious/MailPush E-mail message - for the service of receiving it.

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