Hi. Does anyone know where I can buy a Pentium 200 CPU - new or used ? Does anyone know where I can get a good price on 2 32MB EDO SIMMs ? I prefer the Jerusalem area, but I'll take what I can get. TIA. -- The day is short, and the work is great, | Aharon Schkolnik and the laborers are lazy, and the reward | [EMAIL PROTECTED] is great, and the Master of the house is | +972 2 649 1241 impatient. - Ethics Of The Fathers Ch. 2 |
- Re: OT: WTB Pentium 200 CPU, 2 * 32MB EDO SIMM Aharon (Al) Schkolnik
- Re: OT: WTB Pentium 200 CPU, 2 * 32MB EDO SIMM Yosef Sender