On 3/10/2025 9:53 AM, Wei Liu wrote:
On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 09:42:15AM -0700, Roman Kisel wrote:


Please be consistent across different architectures.

In the earlier versions of the patch series, I had that piece
from the above mirrored in the arm64, and there was advice on
removing the function as it contained just one statement.
I'll revisit the approach, thanks for your help!

As long as the output is consistent across different architectures, I'm

I should add a comment most likely to save people some time grepping
the code as the line does look like should always print that. IOW
not printing for VTL0 is obscured by the preprocessor/#define cruft.


        x86_platform.realmode_reserve = x86_init_noop;
        x86_platform.realmode_init = x86_init_noop;

Thank you,

Thank you,

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