From: Naman Jain <> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 
2024 12:47 AM
> On 11/12/2024 8:43 AM, Michael Kelley wrote:
> > From: Naman Jain <> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 
> > 2024 9:44 PM
> >>
> >> On 11/7/2024 11:14 AM, Naman Jain wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On 11/1/2024 12:44 AM, Michael Kelley wrote:
> >>>> From: Naman Jain <> Sent: Tuesday, October 
> >>>> 29, 2024 1:02 AM
> >>>>>
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> >>>>> @@ -2494,6 +2495,22 @@ static int vmbus_bus_resume(struct device *dev)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>        vmbus_request_offers();
> >>>>>
> >>>>> +    mutex_lock(&vmbus_connection.channel_mutex);
> >>>>> +    list_for_each_entry(channel, &vmbus_connection.chn_list, 
> >>>>> listentry) {
> >>>>> +        if (channel->offermsg.child_relid != INVALID_RELID)
> >>>>> +            continue;
> >>>>> +
> >>>>> +        /* hvsock channels are not expected to be present. */
> >>>>> +        if (is_hvsock_channel(channel))
> >>>>> +            continue;
> >>>>> +
> >>>>> +        pr_err("channel %pUl/%pUl not present after resume.\n",
> >>>>> +            &channel->offermsg.offer.if_type,
> >>>>> +            &channel->offermsg.offer.if_instance);
> >>>>> +        /* ToDo: Cleanup these channels here */
> >>>>> +    }
> >>>>> +    mutex_unlock(&vmbus_connection.channel_mutex);
> >>>>> +
> >>>>
> >>>> Dexuan and John have explained how in Azure VMs, there should not be
> >>>> any VFs assigned to the VM at the time of hibernation. So the above
> >>>> check for missing offers does not trigger an error message due to
> >>>> VF offers coming after the all-offers-received message.
> >>>>
> >>>> But what about the case of a VM running on a local Hyper-V? I'm not
> >>>> completely clear, but in that case I don't think any VFs are removed
> >>>> before the hibernation, especially for VM-initiated hibernation. It's
> >>>
> >>> I am not sure about this behavior. I have requested Dexuan offline
> >>> for a comment.
> >>>
> >>>> a reasonable scenario to later resume that same VM, with the same
> >>>> VF assigned to the VM. Because of the way current code counts
> >>>> the offers, vmbus_bus_resume() waits for the VF to be offered again,
> >>>> and all the channels get correct post-resume relids. But the changes
> >>>> in this patch set break that scenario. Since vmbus_bus_resume() now
> >>>> proceeds before the VF offer arrives, hv_pci_resume() calling
> >>>> vmbus_open() could use the pre-hibernation relid for the VF and break
> >>>> things. Certainly the "not present after resume" error message would
> >>>> be spurious.
> >>>>
> >>>> Maybe the focus here is Azure, and it's tolerable for the local Hyper-V
> >>>> case with a VF to not work pending later fixes. But I thought I'd call
> >>>> out the potential issue (assuming my thinking is correct).
> >>>>
> >>>> Michael
> >>>
> >>> IIUC, below scenarios can happen based on your comment-
> >>>
> >>> Case 1:
> >>> VF channel offer is received in time before hv_pci_resume() and there
> >>> are no problems.
> >>>
> >>> Case 2:
> >>> Resume proceeds just after getting ALLOFFERS_DELIVERED msg and a warning
> >>> is printed that this VF channel is not present after resume.
> >>> Then two scenarios can happen:
> >>>     Case 2.1:
> >>>     VF channel offer is received before hv_pci_resume() and things work
> >>>     fine. Warning printed is spurious.
> >>>     Case 2.2:
> >>>     VM channel offer is not received before hv_pci_resume() and relid is
> >>>     not yet restored by onoffer. This is a problem. Warning is printed in
> >>>     this case for missing offer.
> >>>
> >>> I think it all depends on whether or not VFs are removed in local
> >>> HyperV VMs. I'll try to get this information. Thanks for pointing this
> >>> out.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Naman
> >>>
> >>
> >> Hi Michael,
> >> I discussed with Dexuan and we tried these scenarios. Here are the
> >> observations:
> >>
> >> For the two ways of host initiated hibernation:
> >>
> >> #1: Invoke-Hibernate $vm -Device (Uses the guest shutdown component)
> >> OR
> >> #2: Invoke-Hibernate $vm -ComputerSystem (Uses the RequestStateChange
> >> ability)
> >
> > Question:  What Powershell module provides "Invoke-Hibernate"? It's not
> > present on my Windows 11 system that is running Hyper-V, and I can't
> > find any documentation about it on the web.  Or maybe Invoke-Hibernate
> > is a Powershell *script*?
> Powertest is one of the internal packages, which has some commands to
> trigger host-initiated hibernation. I should probably have mentioned
> that in my original comment.

Makes sense. Since there was no mention of it on the web, I was
reaching the conclusion that it must be something internal. There are
public postings on how to twiddle power settings to do hibernation,
so hopefully I can create my own equivalent.

> >
> >>
> >> #1 does not remove the VF before sending the hibernate message to the VM
> >> via hv_utils, but #2 does.
> >>
> >> With both #1 and #2, during resume, the host offers the vPCI vmbus
> >> device before the vmbus_onoffers_delivered() is called. Whether or not
> >> VFs are removed doesn't matter here, because during resume the first
> >> fresh kernel always requests the VF device, meaning it has become a
> >> boot-time device when the 'old' kernel is resuming back. So the issue we
> >> are discussing will not happen in practice and the patch won't break
> >> things and won't print spurious warnings. If its OK, please let me know,
> >> I'll then proceed with v3.
> >>
> >
> > Ah, this is interesting. I'm assuming these are the details:
> >
> > 1)  VM boots with the intent of resuming from hibernation (though
> > Hyper-V doesn't know about that intent)
> > 2)  Original fresh kernel is loaded and begins initialization
> > 3)  VMBus offers come in for boot-time devices, which excludes SR-IOV VFs.
> > 4)  ALLOFFERS_DELIVERED message comes in
> > 5)  The storvsc driver initializes for the virtual disks on the VM
> > 6)  Kernel initialization code finds and reads the swap space to see if a
> > hibernation image is present. If so, it reads in the hibernation image.
> > 7)  The suspend sequence is initiated (just like during hibernation)
> > to shutdown the VMBus devices and terminate the VMBus connection.
> > 8)  Control is transferred to the previously read-in hibernation image
> > 9)  The hibernation image runs the resume sequence, which
> > initiates a new VMBus connection and requests offers
> > 10) VMBus offers come in for whatever VMBus devices were present
> > when Step 7 initiated the suspend sequence. If a VF device was present
> > at that time, an offer for that VF device will come in and will match up
> > with the VF that was present in the VM at the time of hibernation.
> > 11) ALLOFFERS_DELIVERED message comes in again for the
> > newly initiated VMBus connection.
> >
> 3), 4) works differently IMO. There is no request_for_offers, or
> ALLOFFERS_DELIVERED for fresh kernel. Otherwise on adding the prints in
> kernel, we should have seen these function calls *twice* in one
> hibernation-resume cycle. But that is not the case.
> When the older/original kernel boots up, and requests offers, it gets
> those VF offers again as part of boot time offers, and then
> ALLOFFERS_DELIVERED msg comes. I'm still trying to figure out how fresh
> kernel requests for VF offers or if it gets those offers automatically
> from the host. I will update my findings so that it can be put up in
> documentation which you mentioned.

Hmmm. I'm not sure what might be happening. I'll be interested in
what you find. I do indeed want to call out the details in my
documentation. And I'll also try to repro myself.


> > The netvsc driver gets initialized *after* step 4, but we don't know
> > exactly *when* relative to the storvsc driver. The netvsc driver must
> > tell Hyper-V that it can handle an SR-IOV VF, and the VF offer is sent
> > sometime after that. While this netvsc/VF sequence is happening, the
> > storvsc driver is reading the hibernation image from swap (Step 6).
> >
> Maybe this is how fresh kernel gets the offers for VF devices.
> > I think the sequence you describe works when reading the
> > hibernation image from swap takes 10's of seconds, or even several
> > minutes in an Azure VM with a remote disk. That gives plenty
> > of time for the VF to get initialized and be fully present when Step 7
> > starts. But there's no *guarantee* that the VF is initialized by then.
> > It's also not clear to me what action by the guest causes Hyper-V to
> > treat the VF as "added to the VM" so that in Step 10 the VF offer is
> > sent before ALLOFFERS_DELIVERED.
> >
> > The sequence you describe also happens in an Azure VM, even if
> > the VF is removed before hibernation. When the VF offer arrives
> > during Step 10, it doesn't match with any VFs that were in the VM
> > at the time of hibernation. It's treated as a new device, just like it
> > would be if the offer arrived after ALLOFFERS_DELIVERED.
> >
> > But it seems like there's still the risk of having a fast swap disk
> > and a small hibernation image that can be read in a shorter amount
> > of time than it takes to initialize the VF to the point that Hyper-V
> > treats it as added to the VM. Without knowing what that point is,
> > it's hard to assess the likelihood of that happening. Or maybe there's
> > an interlock I'm not aware of that ensures Step 7 can't proceed
> > while the netvsc/VF sequence is in progress.
> >
> > So maybe it's best to proceed with this patch, and deal with the
> > risk later when/if it becomes reality. I'm OK if you want to do
> > that. This has been an interesting discussion that I'll try to capture
> > in some high-level documentation about how Linux guests on
> > Hyper-V do hibernation!
> >
> > Michael
> I have sent v3 with the changes we discussed.
> Regards,
> Naman

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