On 9/12/2024 8:51 PM, Michael Kelley wrote:
From: Naman Jain <namj...@linux.microsoft.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 
2024 9:51 PM

On 9/12/2024 9:09 AM, Michael Kelley wrote:
From: Naman Jain <namj...@linux.microsoft.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 10,
2024 9:57 PM

This version of the patch looks good to me from the standpoint of
separating the x86 specific functionality from the arch independent
functionality. And I think the patch works as intended. But there
are parts of the description and variable naming that don't align
with my understanding of the problem and the fix. So I've added
some additional comments below.

Nit: Now that most of the code changes are in mshyperv.c, the
patch Subject: prefix should perhaps be "x86/hyperv:" instead
of "clocksource: hyperv:".

Thanks a lot for reviewing Michael. As you rightly pointed out, these
comments and variable names made more sense when they were in
hyperv_timer.c. I'll change them accordingly in next patch.

Will change commit msg subject as well.

read_hv_sched_clock_tsc() assumes that the Hyper-V clock counter is
bigger than the variable hv_sched_clock_offset, which is cached during
early boot, but depending on the timing this assumption may be false
when a hibernated VM starts again (the clock counter starts from 0
again) and is resuming back (Note: hv_init_tsc_clocksource() is not
called during hibernation/resume); consequently,
read_hv_sched_clock_tsc() may return a negative integer (which is
interpreted as a huge positive integer since the return type is u64)
and new kernel messages are prefixed with huge timestamps before
read_hv_sched_clock_tsc() grows big enough (which typically takes
several seconds).

Just so I'm clear on the sequence, when a new VM is created to
resume the hibernated VM, I think the following happens:

1) The VM being used to resume the hibernation image boots a
fresh instance of the Linux kernel. The sched clock and sched clock
offset value are initialized as with any kernel, and kernel messages
are printed with the correct timestamps starting at zero.

2) The new Linux kernel then loads the hibernation image and
transfers control to it, whereupon the "resume" callbacks are run
in the context of the hibernation image.  At this point, any kernel
timestamps are wrong, and might even be negative, because the
sched clock value is calculated based on the new Hyper-V reference
time (which started again at zero) minus the old sched clock offset.
The goal is that the sched clock value should be continuous with
the sched clock value from the original VM. If the original VM
had been running for 1000 seconds when the hibernation was
done, the sched clock value in the resumed hibernation image
should continue, starting at ~1000 seconds.

3) The fix is to adjust the sched clock offset in the resumed
hibernation image, and make it more negative by that ~1000

Is that all correct?  If so, then it seems like this patch is doing
more than just cleaning up the negative values for sched clock.
It's also making the sched clock values continuous with the
sched clock values in the original VM rather than restarting
near zero after hibernation image is resumed.

Yes, that's exactly what this patch is trying to do. There was an option
to correct in suspend-resume callbacks of original VM in hyperv_timer.c,
but these are executed very late, and we still end up getting many logs
with these incorrect timestamps. We took reference from the code where
tsc clock correction takes place, and thought that similar should be
done here.

Yes, agreed. I'm glad the mechanism for the TSC clock correction
is available to use. :-)



void tsc_save_sched_clock_state(void)

 * Even on processors with invariant TSC, TSC gets reset in some the
 * ACPI system sleep states. And in some systems BIOS seem to reinit TSC to
* arbitrary value (still sync'd across cpu's) during resume from such sleep * states. To cope up with this, recompute the cyc2ns_offset for each cpu so
 * that sched_clock() continues from the point where it was left off during
 * suspend.
void tsc_restore_sched_clock_state(void)

called from "arch/x86/power/cpu.c" in
__restore_processor_state() -> x86_platform.restore_sched_clock_state();

We can tweak the commit msg to add this additional detail.

Thanks. I think the change to make the sched clock time (and
therefore the dmesg log timestamps) continuous with the
original VM is important to call out.  It's a change that will be
visible to users.


+ * Hyper-V clock counter resets during hibernation. Save and restore clock
+ * offset during suspend/resume, while also considering the time passed
+ * before suspend. This is to make sure that sched_clock using hv tsc page
+ * based clocksource, proceeds from where it left off during suspend and
+ * it shows correct time for the timestamps of kernel messages after resume.
+ */

I added it here, but the same should be added in commit msg as well.
I'll add it.

Ah, indeed, you did add it in the comment.  But yes, it should go in
the commit message as well.

+static void save_hv_clock_tsc_state(void)
+       hv_sched_clock_offset_saved = hv_read_reference_counter();

Naming this variable hv_sched_clock_offset_saved doesn't seem to match
what it actually contains. The saved value is not a sched_clock_offset. It's
the value of the Hyper-V reference counter at the time the original VM
hibernates does "suspend".  The sched_clock_offset in the original VM will
typically be a pretty small value (a few seconds or even less). But the
Hyper-V reference counter value might be thousands of seconds if the
VM has been running a while before it hibernates.

I'll change it to something that conveys the right information. Thanks
for the suggestion.

+static void restore_hv_clock_tsc_state(void)
+       /*
+        * hv_sched_clock_offset = offset that is used by hyperv_timer 
clocksource driver
+        *                         to get time.
+        * Time passed before suspend = hv_sched_clock_offset_saved
+        *                            - hv_sched_clock_offset (old)
+        *
+        * After Hyper-V clock counter resets, hv_sched_clock_offset needs a 
+        *
+        * New time = hv_read_reference_counter() (future) - 
hv_sched_clock_offset (new)
+        * New time = Time passed before suspend + hv_read_reference_counter() 
+        *                                       - hv_read_reference_counter() 
+        *
+        * Solving the above two equations gives:
+        *
+        * hv_sched_clock_offset (new) = hv_sched_clock_offset (old)
+        *                             - hv_sched_clock_offset_saved
+        *                             + hv_read_reference_counter() (now))
+        */
+       hv_adj_sched_clock_offset(hv_sched_clock_offset_saved - 

The argument passed to hv_adj_sched_clock_offset() makes sense to me if I think
of it as:

        hv_ref_time_at_hibernate - hv_read_reference_counter()

where hv_read_reference_counter() is just "ref time now".

I think of it like this: The Hyper-V reference counter value changed underneath
the resumed hibernation image when it starts running in the new VM. The 
changes the sched clock offset to compensate for that change so that sched clock
values are continuous across the suspend/resume hibernation sequence.

I don't completely understand what you've explained with the two equations and
solving them, though the result matches my expectations.

Yeah :) it made more sense when we look at it from hyperv_timer.c driver
POV because these offsets are nothing but reference counters at
different points of time.

Well, yes and no. The value of the Hyper-V reference counter is
an absolute value at the time it is read. But the hv_sched_clock_offset
is a "delta" value -- the difference between two absolute time values.
While hv_sched_clock_offset is initially set to the current value of the
Hyper-V reference counter, it is used as a delta value. And after
the adjustment is applied when resuming from hibernation,
hv_sched_clock_offset is definitely no longer a reference counter
value from some point in time -- it's clearly only a delta value.

Details matter :) Thanks for your feedback. I'll wait for a few days
before posting v3, in case there are some more review comments.

Having said that, I think we can go with a
comment explaining the intention, and skip adding these equations which
may be confusing here as there is no concept of offsets here, as you
rightly pointed out in your previous reply as well.

Works for me.




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