On Sat, Apr 13, 2024 at 03:06:05PM +0200, Michael Schierl wrote:
> [please cc: me as I am not subscribed to either mailing list]
> [Slightly off-topic: As 64-bit kernels work fine, if there are ways to
> run a 32-bit userland containerized or chrooted in a 64-bit kernel so
> that the userland (espeically uname and autoconf) cannot distinguish
> from a 32-bit kernel, that might be another option for my use case.
> Nested virtualization would of course also work, but the performance
> loss due to nested virtualization negates the effect of being able to
> pass more than one of the (2 physical, 4 hyperthreaded) cores of my
> laptop to the VM].

Have you tried `linux32`?

See https://linux.die.net/man/8/linux32


> Thanks for help and best regards,
> Michael

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