On Fri, 22 Mar 2024 at 16:25, Wei Liu <wei....@kernel.org> wrote: > > Hmm... I thought I refreshed it right before the expiration date. I > pushed it to Ubuntu's keyserver.
Ok, I can find it there. > I will check if something's wrong. > > Do you have a keyserver that you prefer? The problem with keyservers is that there's so many of them, and everybody uses different keyservers, and the propagation of pgp keys across keyservers hasn't really worked for over a decade by now. Maybe keys eventually propagate, but I have my doubts. My default keyserver appears to be hkps://keys.openpgp.org, but the pgp key git tree on kernel.org is the one I then look at when some key isn't there (or is there, but hasn't been updated). Linus