> Subject: Re: [PATCH v4 09/15] Drivers: hv: Introduce hv_output_arg_exists in
> hv_common.c
> On 10/2/2023 12:29 PM, Alex Ionescu wrote:
> > Hi Nuno,
> >
> > Is it possible to simply change to always allocating the output page?
> > For example, the output page could be needed in scenarios where Linux
> > is not running as the root partition, since certain hypercalls that a
> > guest can make will still require one (I realize that's not the case
> > _today_, but I don't believe this optimization buys much).
> I agree - it would indeed simplify the code, and guests will probably make 
> use of it
> sooner or later.
> Happy to make that change if Hyper-V guest maintainers agree.
> Long, Dexuan, Michael, what do you think?

There is no use case as of today for guest VMs. And it allocates extra memory 
that are never used when running as guest VMs.

I suggest keep this code unchanged as is.


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