On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 04:55:06PM -0800, Jeff Xu wrote:
> Hi Lorenzo,
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 9:43 PM Lorenzo Stoakes
> >
> > > > 2. Tests - could you please add some tests to assert that mremap() fails
> > > >    for VDSO for instance? You've edited an existing test for VDSO in 
> > > > x86 to
> > > >    skip the test should this be enabled, but this is not the same as a 
> > > > self
> > > >    test. And obviously doesn't cover arm64.
> > > >
> > > >    This should be relatively strightforward right? You already have code
> > > >    for finding out whether VDSO is msealed, so just use that to see if 
> > > > you
> > > >    skip, then attempt mremap(), mmap() over etc. + assert it fails.
> > > >
> > > >    Ideally these tests would cover all the cases you've changed.
> > > >
> > > It is not as easy.
> > >
> > > The config is disabled by default. And I don't know a way to detect
> > > KCONFIG  from selftest itself. Without this, I can't reasonably
> > > determine the test result.
> >
> > Please in future let's try to get this kind of response at the point of the
> > request being made :) makes life much easier.
> >
> There might be miscommunication ?
> This version is the first time you ask about adding a self test.

Yeah I thought I'd been clear but this might _very well_ have been me not
having been, so apologies if so.

I mean 'make sure it's tested' is an overloaded term right? So fact you've
tested on android, chromeos, etc. implies 'tested', but also self

> IIRC, you had comments about providing the details of what tests I did, in V4.
> As a follow-up, I added a test-info section in the cover letter of V5

Thanks. Appreciate that! And this really does point towards a
miscommunication on my part, will try to be super explicit in future.

> Though I have thought about adding a selftest since the beginning,
> there are two problems:
> 1> This config is by default disabled,
> 2> No good pattern to check KCONFIG from selftest.

Yeah agreed, it's a TOTAL pain.

I wish we had a better way of doing this. Maybe a self-volunteering
exercise (*goes to write on writeboard :P*)

> >
> > So I think it is easy actually. As I say here (perhaps you missed it?) you
> > literally already have code you added to the x86 test to prevent test
> > failure.
> >
> > So you essentially look for [vdso] or whatever, then you look up to see if
> > it is sealed, ensure an mremap() fails.
> >
> This suggestion doesn't test the core change of this series, which is
> to enable mseal for vdso.

Right, and thinking about it, what does this test? Just that mseal works

It's sort of implicit that, if a VMA is sealed, the seal should work (or
rather, tested in mseal tests themselves, rather than mseal system

> When the vdso is marked with "sl", mremap() will fail, that's part of
> the mseal() business logic and belongs in mseal_test. The mseal_test
> already covers the mseal, and this series doesn't change mseal.
> As for the "sl", as I responded in the "refactor mseal_test" [1] , it
> will be part of the verifying step:
> [1] 
> https://lore.kernel.org/all/cabi2skuv_1gsugh86aon-xrlaggcvdqjmhxt17mgy-xutst...@mail.gmail.com/

OK cool thanks. I will look at this when I can, I'm just snowed under
pre-LSF and have been sick so backlog, backlog as discussed off-list. But
it's not been forgotten (whiteboard etc. etc.)

> > Of course this doesn't check to see if it _should_ be enabled or not. I'm
> > being nice by not _insisting_ we export a way for you to determine whether
> > this config option is enabled or not for the sake of a test (since I don't
> > want to hold up this series).
> >
> > But that'd be nice! Maybe in a
> > /sys/kernel/security endpoint...
> >
> >
> > ...but I think we can potentially add this later on so we don't hold things
> > up here/add yet more to the series. I suspect you and Kees alike would
> > prioritise getting _this series_ in at this point :)
> >
> > You could, if you wanted to, check to see if /proc/config.gz exists and
> > zgrep it (only there if CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC is set) and assert based on
> > that, but you know kinda hacky.
> Ya, it is hacky. None of the existing selftest uses this pattern, and
> I'm not sure /proc/config.gz is enabled in the default kernel config.

Yeah and I'm not sure I even like my hacky suggestion here, I mean let's be
honest, it sucks.

> One option is to have ChromeOS or Android to maintain an out-of-tree
> test, since the configuration will be enabled there.

Nah haha, though of course you can do what you want. Really want something

> Option two is to create a new path:
> tools/testing/selftests/sealsysmap. Then, add
> CONFIG_SEAL_SYSTEM_MAPPING=y to the config file and add a selftest to
> this path. This seems to be the preferred way by selftest, but we need
> a new dir for that.

OK I like option 2 let's do this.

But let's call it mseal_system_mappings (yes I"m being nitty again :) I
really want to try to _explicitly_ say 'mseal' because we have other forms
of sealing.

Not your fault, but we overload terms like _crazy_ in mm and need to be
cautious as not to confuse vs. e.g. memfd seals.

> Option three is to add a self-test when we have a process-level opt-in
> solution. This would allow the test to deterministically know whether
> the vdso should be sealed or not.

Yeah one for future.

> >
> > But anyway, FWIW I think it'd be useful to assert that mremap() or munmap()
> > fails here for system mappings for the sake of it. I guess this is, in
> > effect, only checking mseal-ing works right? But it at least asserts the
> > existence of the thing, and that it behaves.
> >
> > Later on, when you add some way of observing that it's enabled or not, you
> > can extend the test to check this.
> I think it is best that we don't add a test that doesn't actually
> check the code change. Do you think one of the above three options
> works ? maybe the second option (with a new path) ?

Yeah I actually agree on reflection. And yes agreed option 2 is great,

> In any case, I think the risk is low, and the code changes are quite
> simple, and fully tested.

Yeah indeed, but I'd really like _something_ if possible. If option 2 is
relatively quick let's get that sorted out!

> Thanks.
> -Jeff.

Cheers, Lorenzo

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