On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 11:10 AM Greg KH <gre...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> > > Legal note, this file is NOT copyright Google as no Google employe
> > > actually wrote the logcal contents of it.
> > >
> > > Please be VERY careful when doing stuff like this, it has potentially
> > > big repercussions, and you don't want to have to talk to lots of
> > > lawyers a few years from now and explain how you messed it all up :(
> > >
> > > Nick, odds are there's a Google copyright class that Tanzir should take
> > > here, if not, I recommend the free LF one that anyone can take online
> > > that explains the issues here:
> > >         
> > > https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/open-source-licensing-basics-for-software-developers/
> Please take the time to either learn what the Google-specific rules are,
> or take the above training, before submitting a new version of the
> patch.

It was my mistake to suggest to Tanzir to add his copyright to this
newly created header. I'm sorry; we do have such resources available
and I should have reviewed them.

1. reviewed our internal training materials on copyright assignment
  - go/gti-os-self-study
  - go/patching#license-headers-and-copyright-notices
2. reviewed kernel docs:
  - Documentation/process/1.Intro.rst
  - Documentation/process/kernel-enforcement-statement.rst
3. asked Tanzir to do the same
4. discovered who to ask internally for further questions

Is there further due diligence you would like to see?


For Google specific guidance, I'll quote what they have:

> License Headers and Copyright Notices
> Googlers should add Google's copyright notice (or a "The Project Authors" 
> style copyright notice) to new files being added to the library if permitted 
> by the project maintainers.

Then the relevant section of 1.Intro.rst:

> Copyright assignments are not required (or requested) for code contributed
> to the kernel.

Shall I interpret those together to mean that the "project
maintainers" don't permit copyright assignments for "new files being
added," and thus Tanzir SHOULD NOT be adding a copyright assignment to
the newly created header?

Or shall I leave the interpretation up to an explicit discussion with


While I think we have the answer for Tanzir's patch, I don't think we
do for if we intend to split other header files in the future if those
have explicit copyright assignments.  I wonder if this question has
come up in Ingo's header refactoring work, and if so, what the
guidance is there?

For example, consider include/linux/sysfs.h.  It's 600+ lines long and
contains 4 copyright assignments explicitly in sources. If we split
that header file in half, which copyright assignments do we transfer
to the new half, if any?
~Nick Desaulniers

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