On 14/12/2023 19:34, Ninad Palsule wrote:
>>>     chosen {
>>>             stdout-path = &uart5;
>>>             bootargs = "console=ttyS4,115200n8 earlycon";
>>> @@ -54,10 +113,12 @@ vga_memory: region@bf000000 {
>>>                     reg = <0xbf000000 0x01000000>;  /* 16M */
>>>             };
>>>     };
>>> +
>> You need to clean your patchset...
> I made changes about the stdout-path, is that what you mean?

No, I meant you made irrelevant changes in this patch.

>>>   };
>>>   &adc1 {
>>>     status = "okay";
>>> +
>> Really.
> I need to add "status = okay" otherwise its not instantiated.

That was about blank line. How is it related to this patch "Add i2c and

Best regards,

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