`strncpy` is deprecated for use on NUL-terminated destination strings
[1] and as such we should prefer more robust and less ambiguous string

A suitable replacement is `strscpy` [2] due to the fact that it
guarantees NUL-termination on the destination buffer without
unnecessarily NUL-padding.

host_info allocation is done in ena_com_allocate_host_info() via
dma_alloc_coherent() and is not zero initialized by alloc_etherdev_mq().

However zero initialization of the destination doesn't matter in this case,
because strscpy() guarantees a NULL termination.

Link: https://manpages.debian.org/testing/linux-manual-4.8/strscpy.9.en.html [2]
Link: https://github.com/KSPP/linux/issues/90
Cc: linux-hardening@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Justin Stitt <justinst...@google.com>
Changes in v2:
- update commit message, dropping inaccurate statement about allocation
  (thanks Arthur)
- copy/paste Arthur's explanation regarding host_info allocation into
- rebased onto mainline
- Link to v1: 
Note: build-tested only.
 drivers/net/ethernet/amazon/ena/ena_netdev.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/amazon/ena/ena_netdev.c 
index b5bca4814830..4a41efcc996b 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/amazon/ena/ena_netdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/amazon/ena/ena_netdev.c
@@ -3276,8 +3276,8 @@ static void ena_config_host_info(struct ena_com_dev 
*ena_dev, struct pci_dev *pd
        strscpy(host_info->kernel_ver_str, utsname()->version,
                sizeof(host_info->kernel_ver_str) - 1);
        host_info->os_dist = 0;
-       strncpy(host_info->os_dist_str, utsname()->release,
-               sizeof(host_info->os_dist_str) - 1);
+       strscpy(host_info->os_dist_str, utsname()->release,
+               sizeof(host_info->os_dist_str));
        host_info->driver_version =
                (DRV_MODULE_GEN_MAJOR) |

base-commit: bee0e7762ad2c6025b9f5245c040fcc36ef2bde8

Best regards,
Justin Stitt <justinst...@google.com>

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