
I notice a regression report on Bugzilla [1]. Quoting from it:

> Ever since 6.6.0-rc1 we've seen S3 and S2idle resume take 100ms longer 
> because of resume_comsole. resume_console ordinarily takes only a few 
> milliseconds, but now it's consistently 100ms. I've bisected the issue to 
> this commit:
> commit 9e70a5e109a4a23367810de09be826c52d27ee2f
> Author: John Ogness <john.ogn...@linutronix.de>
> Date:   Mon Jul 17 21:52:06 2023 +0206
>     printk: Add per-console suspended state
>     Currently the global @console_suspended is used to determine if
>     consoles are in a suspended state. Its primary purpose is to allow
>     usage of the console_lock when suspended without causing console
>     printing. It is synchronized by the console_lock.
>     Rather than relying on the console_lock to determine suspended
>     state, make it an official per-console state that is set within
>     console->flags. This allows the state to be queried via SRCU.
>     Remove @console_suspended. Console printing will still be avoided
>     when suspended because console_is_usable() returns false when
>     the new suspended flag is set for that console.
> We are seeing this on roughly 2/3 of our machines, both on test systems and 
> production systems.


> The effect is most pronounced in the GigaByte z170x UD5. It goes from 300ms 
> to 400ms because of an msleep 100 in the resume_console code. This might not 
> seem like much but it's in series with everything else so it will always be 
> there. Our goal is to keep both suspend and resume under 1 second if at all 
> possible, so every bit counts.

See Bugzilla for the full thread and attached sleepgraph timelines
(in html format).

Anyway, I'm adding this regression to be tracked by regzbot:

#regzbot introduced: 9e70a5e109a4a2 
#regzbot title: resume_console performance regression due to per-console 
suspended state


[1]: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217955

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