`strncpy` is deprecated for use on NUL-terminated destination strings
[1] and as such we should prefer more robust and less ambiguous string

`buf` is used in this context as a data buffer with 64 bytes of memory
to be occupied by capi_manufakturer.

We see the caller capi20_get_manufacturer() passes data.manufacturer as
its `buf` argument which is then later passed over to user space. Due to
this, let's keep the NUL-padding that strncpy provided by using
strscpy_pad so as to not leak any stack data.
|       cdev->errcode = capi20_get_manufacturer(data.contr, data.manufacturer);
|       if (cdev->errcode)
|               return -EIO;
|       if (copy_to_user(argp, data.manufacturer,
|                        sizeof(data.manufacturer)))
|               return -EFAULT;

Perhaps this would also be a good instance to use `strtomem_pad` for but
in my testing the compiler was not able to determine the size of `buf`
-- even with all the hints.

Link: https://github.com/KSPP/linux/issues/90
Cc: linux-hardening@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Justin Stitt <justinst...@google.com>
Note: build-tested only.
 drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c
index ae24848af233..136ba9fe55e0 100644
--- a/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c
+++ b/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ u16 capi20_get_manufacturer(u32 contr, u8 
        u16 ret;
        if (contr == 0) {
-               strncpy(buf, capi_manufakturer, CAPI_MANUFACTURER_LEN);
+               strscpy_pad(buf, capi_manufakturer, CAPI_MANUFACTURER_LEN);
                return CAPI_NOERROR;
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ u16 capi20_get_manufacturer(u32 contr, u8 
        ctr = get_capi_ctr_by_nr(contr);
        if (ctr && ctr->state == CAPI_CTR_RUNNING) {
-               strncpy(buf, ctr->manu, CAPI_MANUFACTURER_LEN);
+               strscpy_pad(buf, ctr->manu, CAPI_MANUFACTURER_LEN);
                ret = CAPI_NOERROR;
        } else
                ret = CAPI_REGNOTINSTALLED;

base-commit: 2cf0f715623872823a72e451243bbf555d10d032
change-id: 20230922-strncpy-drivers-isdn-capi-kcapi-c-516f17f59684

Best regards,
Justin Stitt <justinst...@google.com>

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