>>>>> On Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:23:54 +0000, Stuart Green via linux-fai 
>>>>> <linux-fai@uni-koeln.de> said:

    > The bootable autodiscover iso finds the server no problem and if I select 
the Simple install which does headless Debian it runs through without
    > error.  However if I try Ubuntu then it consistently finishes with ERROR 
but it does boot to a usable desktop after rebooting.

    > fai.log:ESC[0;1;31mFailed to disable unit, unit friendly-recovery.service 
does not exist.ESC[0m
    > fai.log:ls: cannot access '/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections': No 
such file or directory
    > fai.log:info: The home dir /var/lib/usbmux you specified can't be 
accessed: No such file or directory
    > fai.log:/usr/share/hplip/base/imagesize.py:186: SyntaxWarning: invalid 
escape sequence '\#'
    > fai.log:/usr/share/hplip/base/imagesize.py:187: SyntaxWarning: invalid 
escape sequence '\/'
    > fai.log:/usr/share/hplip/base/imagesize.py:189: SyntaxWarning: invalid 
escape sequence '\*'
    > fai.log:/usr/share/hplip/fax/ledmfax.py:46: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape 
sequence '\d'

You can ignore those warnings and also the other ones.
These errors come from packages not FAI itself.

    > I've also tried building via fai-diskimage on my previous installs and 
persistently got

    > fai.log:start-stop-daemon: unable to stat /usr/libexec/polkitd (No such 
file or directory)
    > fai.log:Failed to open connection to "system" message bus: Failed to 
connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
This is an error because during the installation no dbus is
running (inside the chroot). But I'm pretty sure it does not matter for the 
running system later.

    > As I suggested in my opening words, is this going to be down to the 
No, it's not related to your Proxmox environment.

best regards Thomas

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