>>>>> On Tue, 17 Dec 2024 13:52:22 +0100, Steffen Grunewald 
>>>>> <steffen.grunew...@aei.mpg.de> said:

    > Can I use the full-fledged path, e.g.
    >   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:06:00.0-ata-..0
    > in all places? This seems to work for the disk_config line itself,
    > but for mdraid definitions?!
I never tried it, but IIRC disk-by-... should work in the disk_config
line but maybe only there.
But then try to modifiy the disklist variable (see
class/20-hwdetect.sh for that) to get a well defined order and then use disk1, 

    > times. The new one would not start the main fai routine and instead
    > open a vt before almost immediately rebooting - a behaviour I currently
FAI 6.2 uses systemd. You should remove this line from
    sysvinit-core systemd-sysv-

and recreate the nfsroot. Make sure sysvinit-core is NOT installed
inside the nfsroot.

    > Hm, perhaps I could tweak $disklist and pass a "short list" of two disks
    > to the installer, then use "disk1" and "disk2"? That's be in a partition
    > hook, right? (Write to variables.log?)
That's a perfect idea. See above for an example to tweak $disklist.

    > Currently it looks like GRUB doesn't find the grub.cfg at all, having to
    > parse 200+ existing partitions with "insmod zfs" enabled.
    > An older, somewhat similar setup with 60 disks boots without zfs enabled,
    > so the disk count is not the main problem, it's apparently the combination
    > of zfs and many disks that eats memory.
I also think that may be the roblem and I would have disabled the grub
zfs module to see if that works.

regards Thomas

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